Guided Bighorn Sheep Hunts
The harvest of any of the North American sheep species is a crowning achievement in most hunter’s lives. We understand the importance of your trust in our guide services with such a coveted tag and will go above and beyond to help you achieve your goals in bighorn sheep country throughout the West. Please contact us at any time to discuss guided sheep hunt specifics or to receive a list of references. Your bighorn sheep hunt is in good hands with Diamond Outfitters in any of the five iconic western states (AZ, NM, NV, UT, WY) where we hunt sheep. Historically, we have a 100% success rate on bighorn sheep hunts and look forward to helping you find the sheep of your dreams out West.
Our sheep guides are die hard bighorn fanatics that live for long hours in steep country glassing up sheep. These guys rely on insane glassing skills to ensure you leave no stone unturned in search of your trophy. We will be targeting mature, record class rams in most of our bighorn sheep camps and we’ve taken some great sheep in each of the states we service. Our sheep hunts generally include one expert sheep guide in camp although we are open to adding additional guides and spotters as your needs dictate.
How To Draw a Bighorn Sheep Tag
Most hunters are lucky to draw one premier bighorn sheep tag in their lifetime. With limited availability, knowing where and how to apply is important to increase your chances of drawing a bighorn sheep tag. Our team of sheep draw experts at Zero Outfitter Fees uses their knowledge of the application process and a proprietary algorithm based on current data to increase your likelihood of drawing a coveted sheep tag. This special service offers personalized support and guidance throughout the entire application process, which can be a real game-changer for anyone who wants to hunt bighorn sheep. This is the most comprehensive program for sheep hunters looking to draw more than one sheep tag.
PRO TIP- Ask us to apply you for multiple sheep tags through Zero Outfitter Fees to dramatically increase your odds of drawing.
With Desert and Rocky Mountain sheep tags available in multiple states and California Bighorn available in Nevada, we offer more opportunities than ever to help you find your way to the West’s best sheep country!

Arizona Bighorn Sheep Hunts
Hunters can choose to apply for either Rocky Mountain or Desert bighorn sheep. There are two types of desert bighorn sheep in Arizona and we hunt each within their ranges. Nelsoni desert bighorn sheep are generally found in the northwest parts of Arizona from the Bill Williams River northward and generally feature wide, flaring horns, while the southern area below the Bill Williams River toward the Mexican border is home to the Mexicana variety which are typically heavy-horned and tight-curled. Arizona’s Rockies are great too! They have superb genetics and our clients have done very well on giant rams!
New Mexico Bighorn Sheep Hunts
New Mexico is known for having a great population of trophy Desert and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. We offer first-class hunts for both species throughout their range in New Mexico, and have harvested some great rams over the years! Our experienced New Mexico sheep guides will seek out the biggest older-age-class rams available in your hunt area. New Mexico sheep tags can be drawn through a lottery or obtained through raffle. New Mexico does not use a bonus/preference point system so everyone has the same chance of drawing the limited number of premium sheep tags. Guided New Mexico sheep hunts are a legitimate spot and stalk adventure that generally involves hours of glassing rugged New Mexico sheep country for mature rams we’ve either been watching grow for years, or new ones we’ve located while scouting for your hunt.

Utah Bighorn Sheep Hunts
Our Utah bighorn sheep outfitters guide hunts in every Desert Bighorn and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep unit in the state. We know what it takes to find and harvest the oldest and largest rams in your hunt unit regardless of which Utah bighorn sheep species we’re hunting. Our outfitters have a long history of hunting Utah sheep and rely on high-quality optics and amazing glassing skills to continually find mature rams until you’re ready to pull the trigger. Utah bighorn sheep tags are available through the draw or by raffle. We know how important your Utah sheep tag is to you and will go out of our way to ensure your needs are met in camp and on the mountain in pursuit of your dreams.
Wyoming Bighorn Sheep Hunts
Wyoming’s bighorn sheep live in typically rugged, mountainous, and physically demanding areas within some of the most stunning and picturesque sheep country found out West. Our Wyoming bighorn sheep guides have made a life pursuing the biggest rams in the state and will focus on areas where mature rams are known to live as determined by historic occurrences and our extensive year-round scouting. You and your guide will be glassing expansive swaths of Wyoming’s best sheep country in pursuit of your trophy. Wyoming bighorn sheep tags are obtained through a draw and, as with most states, it’s pretty competitive.
Please contact a Zero Outfitter Fees rep to discuss bighorn sheep hunt options in Wyoming. If you really want to hunt sheep, apply for as many states as you can. The Zero Outfitter Fees program can help to dramatically increase your odds of drawing a sheep tag out west.

Veteran Owned and Operated

Dan Adler, Owner/Guide -Veteran USAF Officer and Command Pilot for the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office
Safari Club International - Arizona Chapter Hunter of the Year Many of our Guides are Veterans and First Responders.