NV, UT, and WY Antelope Hunts
Our trophy antelope hunts in NV, UT, and WY are provided by a variety of Diamond Outfitters affiliate partners who are licensed, permitted and registered in each respective state. Your outfitter assignment will vary based on what animal and state you are hunting to ensure the Outfitter’s expertise, experience, and local knowledge work in your favor. Each of our partner outfitters are highly respected professional guides and most of them are personal friends of ours. Legendary names like Josh Martoglio, Victor Trujillo, Brett Guymon, and Matt Woodward to name a few, are great partners and indicative of the type of talent available to our clients
Included with NV, UT, and WY Hunts:
- Fully Guided: Guides, lodging, meals (including non-alcoholic beverages and snacks), USFS, and/or BLM permits, State Land permits, all trophy fees, meat/trophy prep for taxidermist and butcher.
- Semi-Guided: Same as fully guided but no meals or lodging.
Not included in either package: Gratuities (we recommend 15%-20% for guides based on your level of satisfaction and $25/ day for the camp cook), each state’s licenses, big-game permit tag/s and the application fee of $45 per species, per person.
Wyoming Antelope Hunts
(WY Outfitter License-BG-019)
There are more antelope in Wyoming than any other state. They’re everywhere and in fact, until recently, outnumbered Wyoming residents! More quality non-resident antelope tags are available in the Cowboy state than any other and long seasons give clients total flexibility! Wyoming antelope season can be measured in weeks, not days. For the patient hunter, a buck over 80 inches is a real possibility when the conditions are right in zones that regulate predation, have strong fall and spring rains and mild winters. You might literally look at dozens or even hundreds of antelope before taking a shot!
Nevada Antelope Hunts
(NV Master Guide 1511509)
Although drought has plagued some of Nevada’s premier antelope units over the last few years, the state continues to produce record book bucks on a regular basis. If you are looking for a once-in-a-lifetime antelope, you should definitely apply for the Nevada draw every year through our ZOF program. Nevada’s antelope seasons are long, many of them in excess of two weeks. These long seasons give us flexibility in scheduling your hunt to ensure all of our clients get to experience hunting the antelope rut in August and early September. Historically, our opportunity rate is 100% for clients who are prepared for long shots in open country. This is a really fun hunt for all skill levels and physical fitness levels. Nevada’s antelope hunts should not be overlooked by anyone searching for their next hunting adventure!
Utah Antelope Hunts
(UT Outfitter License 10753984-7500)
Although Utah may not be at the top of the list of trophy antelope destinations, the state does have a robust antelope population and decent draw odds. Antelope from 65-75 inches are fairly common in most units and bucks over 80 inches are available under ideal conditions. Utah changed their management strategy a few years ago and increased the allocation of tags to create more hunter opportunity. Most Utah antelope herds are at or over population objective and the state manages for 100% harvest. If you’re looking for a really fun antelope hunt and a chance to look over tons of animals before deciding to pull the trigger, Utah is a fantastic option!
If you would like to hunt antelope with us in multiple states, learn how to beat the system and increase draw odds with the Zero Outfitter Fees program!
Veteran Owned and Operated

Dan Adler, Owner/Guide -Veteran USAF Officer and Command Pilot for the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office
Safari Club International - Arizona Chapter Hunter of the Year Many of our Guides are Veterans and First Responders.